EP 02 - Suvendu Pradhan - Koala Insurance - Director of Insurance Products - I Am a True Believer in the Concept of Para-Indemnity

Wolfcast had a blast talking to Suvendu Pradhan, the Director of Insurance Products at Koala Insurance. Koala simplifies flight insurance and delivers the best experience in case of flight disruptions.
Some of the topics Suvendu and I covered:
- Insurance - The one topic that connects through all of the topics
- Building simple things as opposed to simplifying existing things
- Will parametric insurance replace indemnity insurance
- What is para-indemnity?
- The role of data in the insurance value chain
- The beauty of working at Swiss Re and how much Suvendu learned there
- Emerging digital risks and why connectivity is crucial
- Tangible versus intangible assets
- Simplicity, Transparency, Pricing, and Customization