Your Funds Are Safe...The Check is in the Mail
“Your funds are safe…”
“The check is in the mail…”
Everything is under control…until it isn’t.
Welcome to the metaverse. Welcome to the hottest new thing in the VC world, ‘WEB3’. Welcome to crypto trading!
Unfortunately, none of the ‘future’ works if you simply cannot connect to the internet, that decidely 2000’s thing and its boring ‘WEB1’ implementation.
This morning, users of Coinbase, the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the United States, were suddenly unable to withdraw their funds, heightening the overall panic in the marketplace.
“We are aware that some customers are having issues trading and accessing accounts on Coinbase and Coinbase Pro,” the exchange tweeted.
Right…“some customers”.
Nobody is immune from the need for connectivity and the financial impact of not having it.
This is the latest headache for Coinbase, who has seen half its market value wiped within a week, as falling crypto prices hit exchanges extra hard.
Read the full article here.