EP 14 - Esben Nielsen and Simon Bentholm - Penni.io - Put the Product Where the People Are

Esben Nielsen, a co-Founder, and the CPO, and Simon Bentholm, A Digital Strategy Executive at Penni.io were pretty awesome guests of The Wolfcast. Penni.io’s vision is to fundamentally change the way people engage with insurance.
Some of the topics that we covered included:
- Employing technology to solve business problems in complex environments
- Applying behavioral science to the insurance industry
- The brain has the tendency to translate an easy decision as a good decision
- Gift cards as decision tools
- The importance of ‘relevance’
- Understanding risk perception is important for contextualization
- Three ways of doing embedded insurance
- Embedded insurance is the hottest topic ever
- Quoting questions and binding questions
Other titles we considered for this episode:
- I Had Loads of Hypotheses Going In
- The Red Cross in the Corner of the Browser Was the Biggest Competitor
- Nobody Wakes up in the Morning Thinking About Insurance
- The Numbers Don’t Lie
- I Am Going to Do the Other Thing
- The Best Decision Is the Easiest Decision